2012 | Eco-Polis 05 | Gallery Villarrica, Chile
2012 | Eco-Polis 05 | Gallery Antonina, Brasil
2012 | Eco-Polis 05 | Gallery Ferrara & Venezia
2011 | Eco-Polis 04 | Gallery Alagoas, Brasil
2010 | Eco-Polis 03 | Gallery Ferrara
En el 2012 se realizaron 3 workshop. El primero, de dos semanas trabajó sobre 2 temáticas puntuales: un barrio jardín de la ciudad de Ferrara y la recuperación de un área de la ciudad deVenecia (Forte Marghera. El segundo de los workshop, llevado adelante en Villarrica, Chile, se convirtió en una experiencia que vio trabajar juntos al Master Eco-Polis, a la Re.CoDe School y al Centro de Desarrollo Local, Educación e Interculturalidad de la Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile sede Villarrica. El último de los workshop se desarrolló en Brasil, en el Estado de Paraná, en la localidad de Antonina, junto a la asociación ADEMADAM y la Potificia Universidad Católica de Paraná (Curitiba).
2012 | Eco-Polis 05 | Gallery Antonina, Brasil
2012 | Eco-Polis 05 | Gallery Ferrara & Venezia
2011 | Eco-Polis 04 | Gallery Ferrara
Nel 2011, il Master Eco-Polis ha portato avanti 4 workshop. Il primo a Voghiera, Comune della Provincia di Ferrara, Italia, dove ha lavorato nella costruzione di un distretto Agro Culturale, il secondo nel nordovest della Sardegna, mettendo a sistema 3 realtà geografiche diverse ma di un alto valore patrimoniale, culturale ed ambientale del entroterra dell’isola. Il terzo workshop si è svolto nella Costa dos Corais, dove si è continuato a lavorare sulla costruzione di progetti di sviluppo locale basati sull’analisi realizzato nell’area per la precedente edizione del Master. Il quarto e ultimo workshop si è svolto a Villarrica, lavorando sulla governance del territorio della Cuenca del Lago Villarrica, dove si sono portate avanti processi partecipativi e coinvolgimento con i cittadini di Villarrica, Pucon e Curarrehue.
Nel 2011, il Master Eco-Polis ha portato avanti 4 workshop. Il primo a Voghiera, Comune della Provincia di Ferrara, Italia, dove ha lavorato nella costruzione di un distretto Agro Culturale, il secondo nel nordovest della Sardegna, mettendo a sistema 3 realtà geografiche diverse ma di un alto valore patrimoniale, culturale ed ambientale del entroterra dell’isola. Il terzo workshop si è svolto nella Costa dos Corais, dove si è continuato a lavorare sulla costruzione di progetti di sviluppo locale basati sull’analisi realizzato nell’area per la precedente edizione del Master. Il quarto e ultimo workshop si è svolto a Villarrica, lavorando sulla governance del territorio della Cuenca del Lago Villarrica, dove si sono portate avanti processi partecipativi e coinvolgimento con i cittadini di Villarrica, Pucon e Curarrehue.
2011 | Eco-Polis 04 | Gallery Alagoas, Brasil
2011 | Eco-Polis 04 | Gallery Villarrica, Chile
In 2010, as a part of the coursework training of the Eco-Polis Master, 3 workshops were completed. The first, in northwest Sardinia, focused on reinforcement of the relationship between the coastal areas, dominated by intensive tourism trade, and the interior areas, rich with outstanding environmental, historical and cultural character, with a vision of regional integration focused on rebalancing the entire region. The second workshop, which took place on Rapa Nui (Easter Island, Chile), promoted a development agenda to improve the sustainability of the island through better integration of the variety of cultural factors present. In the third and final workshop, held on the Coral Coast of Alagoas, Brazil, a range of guidelines for sustainable development and the integrated management of the coastal area were formulated.
2010 | Eco-Polis 03 | Gallery Sardegna
2010 | Eco-Polis 03 | Gallery Easter Island 01
2010 | Eco-Polis 03 | Gallery Easter Island 02
2010 | Eco-Polis 03 | Gallery Alagoas
2009 | Eco-Polis 02 | Gallery Ferrara
In 2009, The Eco-Polis Master organized 3 workshops, one in Italy and two in Latin America. The first, which was held in Rossano and Cosenza, Italy, addressed strategies for the integrated coastal management and valorization of the regional cultural heritage to be carried out through sustainable local development. For the second workshop, in Cordoba, Argentina, the objective was to create a network of local development between the local communities of the northern area of the Province of Cordoba, through the restoration of the cultural heritage and traditions unique to the region. The third workshop took place in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, with the objective of developing long-term projects and policy proposals designed to consolidate sustainable planning efforts related to the development project for the SUAPE international port on the Pernambuco coast.
2009 | Eco-Polis 02 | Gallery Suape
2009 | Eco-Polis 02 | Gallery Calabria
2009 | Eco-Polis 02 | Gallery Córdoba
2008 | Eco-Polis 01 | Gallery Ferrara
In 2008, there were three workshops that took place as a part of the Eco-Polis Master. The first was held in the Pollino National Park, in Cosenza, Italy, where the Master contributed to the launching of the Raganello Valley Landscape Ecomuseum. The second workshop, in Curitiba and Guaraqueçaba, in Paranà, Brazil, addressed the issues surrounding the development of small communities with environmental protection zones. Next, the research group moved on to lands end in Valparaiso, Chile, traveling more than 3000 km, passing by the Iguazú Falls, Córdoba (Argentina), and crossing the Andes Mountain Range. During the third workshop, in Valparaiso, urban master plan proposals were developed to address the functional relationship between the diverse topographical levels of the city.
2008 | Eco-Polis 01 | Gallery Civita
2008 | Eco-Polis 01 | Gallery Argentina
2008 | Eco-Polis 01 | Gallery Guaraquesaba
2007 | MAPAUS 05 | Gallery 01
In 2007, as part of the training curriculum of the MAPAUS Master, four workshops took place in Italy and Latin America. The first, in Rubiera, Italy, formulated project proposals for socio-spatial integration for the creation of an Open Park Zone. The second workshop, in Cosenza and Rende, Italy, addressed policies and specific actions for the urban area. The objective of the third workshop, in Guaraqueçaba and Curitiba, Brazil, was to identify concrete sustainable development alternatives in an environmentally sensitive area of the region. The fourth workshop, in Montevideo, Uruguay, focused on developing ways to improve the policies and image of the city.
2007 | Mapaus 05 | Gallery 02
MAPAUS 05 | Gallery 03
MAPAUS 05 | Gallery 04
2007 | MAPAUS 04 | Gallery 01