
2012 | Eco-Polis 05 | Tercer Workshop Antonina, Brasil

Desenvolver territórios vulneráveis:
Sustentabilidade e ações integradas para o futuro de Antonina

Instituciones asociadas:
Università degli studi di Ferrara - Italia
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR), Associação de Defesa do Meio Ambiente e
Desenvolvimento de Antonina (ADEMADAN) - Brasil
Fecha: 24/9/2012-21/10/2012
Ubicación: Antonina, Paranà – Brasil

Antonina es una ciudad caracterizada históricamente por su localización territorial, de un lado la Serra do Mar, que la conecta a Curitiba, y de otro lado la Bahía de Antonina.
Los ciclos económicos, un rico paisaje compuesto por patrimonio histórico y natural, los fuertes impactos antrópicos sobre el medio ambiente, son factores que condicionan el desarrollo de la ciudad y que tienen una fuerte conexión con su colocación. A todo esto hay que añadir la fuerte presencia de actividades y eventos culturales que animan la ciudad en ciertos períodos del año.
Para una mejor lectura y comprensión de este complejo contexto, fue organizado un Seminario Internacional que representó el punto de partida para los trabajos. Gracias a la participación de los actores locales y conocedores del territorio, fue elaborado un diagnóstico participativo que resultó muy importante para la promoción de las actividades que se sucedieron posteriormente. Después de esta recolección de información sobre el contexto local, los estudiantes y participantes del workshop recibieron aportes por parte de expertos sobre la condición territorial y realizaron visitas de campo.
Esta información proporcionó una elevada cantidad de material que sirvió para el desarrollo de programas y proyectos que buscaban poner en valor el potencial latente de la ciudad, como por ejemplo, el patrimonio natural e histórico, ya reconocido por el IPHAN, los eventos culturales, la riqueza del área rural, el potencial de los jóvenes y también para disipar algunas creencias antiguas, como la insistencia del concepto de ciudad portuaria y de su puerto como una panacea.
Todo esto, teniendo siempre como punto de referencia la necesidad de integración y de colaboración entre los actores locales.

Prof. Gianfranco Franz (UNIFE)

Camilla Sabattini (UNIFE)
Nicolle Pistelli (UNIFE!PUCPR)

Augusto Pimentel Pereira (Master Eco-Polis/M.4+)
Gianluca Zuffi (Hydrosynergy)
Giovanni Rossi (UNIBO)
Joao Paulo Schwerz (UFRGS)
Luca Mirandola

Sabrina Giovanelli Carvalho
Eliane Bee Boldrini
Wagner Correa Santos
Felipe Pinheiro
Victor Hugo Baum Schlichting
Joao Carlos Babtista Serra
Jose Nilton Andrade
Ariel R. D. da Fonseca
Maurfcio Frank Pinheiro Silva
Murilo Cassilha
Leocimara Sutil de Oliveira Paes
Carolina Bee Araujo
Cleonice da Silva Cordeiro
Douglas Silva Ribeiro
Erothilde Maia Lima

Profesores y Colaboradores
Allan P. Krelling
Cintia Fernandes
Claudio Forte Maiolino
Flavia de Faria Gomes
Leandro Gilioli
Letfcia Camargo
Luiz Gustavo Nasser Veiga
Luzia Gaspari
Manuela Oliveira
Moisés Stival
Nathalia de J. Shibuya
Rene Bergel
Rodrigo Gomes
Ubiratan Tortato

Alumnos del Master Eco-Polis
Athenea Sosa di Lena, Arquiteta e Urbanista (Venezuela)
Francesco Miccichè, Arquiteto e Urbanista (Italia)
Hiroki Yamada, Arquiteto e Urbanista (Japao)
Matteo Pecora, Engenheiro Edii-Arquiteto (Italia)
Silvia Rossi, Arquiteta (Italia)
Yuki Ukinco, Arquiteta e Urbanista (Japao)

Alumna Invitada
Candelaria Simon, Lic. em Administraçao de Empresas (UCC, Argentina)

2012 | Eco-Polis 05 | Segundo Workshop Villarrica, Chile.

Inteligencia Territorial. Villarrica - Ñancul - Lican Ray. Tres realidades un desarrollo común.

Instituciones asociadas: Università degli studi di Ferrara – Italia 
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Centro de Desarrollo Local, Educación e Interculturalidad de Villarrica, Chile
Fecha: 29/07/2012-15/09/2012
Villarrica - Chile
Descarga Proyecto/Libro Final (PDF)

El Master Internacional Eco-Polis de la Universidad de Ferrara, Italia, en su segundo año de colaboración con la Pontificia Universidad
Católica de Chile, Sede Villarrica, ha trabajado en el territorio de la Araucanía Lacustre abordando temáticas relacionadas con el desarrollo local sustentable y el modo de vivir el territorio. Durante el año 2011 los alumnos del Master afrontaron, en una visión amplia, las realidades que caracterizan el modo de habitar el territorio en las comunas de Pucón, Curarrehue y Villarrica. Durante el mes de Agosto del 2012, los participantes de una nueva edición del Master y de la Re.CoDe School afrontaron el territorio junto a docentes de la Universidad de Ferrara y de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. En esta oportunidad el trabajo se focalizó en las localidades de Ñancul, Lican Ray y Villarrica, analizando las dinámicas territoriales y urbanas que entre estos tres centros se desarrollan.
El proceso de trabajo se enfocó en esta oportunidad en abordar la inteligencia territorial, tema que tiene una directa relación con la noción de “inteligencia colectiva”. Operar en una realidad siguiendo esta línea implica tener presente que la inteligencia territorial tiene la función de transformar la inteligencia y la competencia individual en inteligencia y competencia colectiva y que, al mismo tiempo, representa la transmisión, monitoreo e interacción de las actividades de interés público, llevadas adelante por la Administración local, dando lugar a nuevas relaciones entre cultura local, comunidad e innovación a escala territorial y que considera la integración de nuevas prácticas como soporte para el desarrollo.
Se elaboraron estrategias, programas y proyectos orientados hacia las necesidades del territorio que, incluyendo un análisis y una interpretación detallada de las reglamentaciones y planes existentes, proponía alternativas colectivas tanto para los actores formales como informales del territorio.
El trabajo realizado incluyó un laboratorio inicial de una semana con actores locales en el que se los capacitó en el modo de operar en el campo del Master Eco-Polis a fin de que contaran con las herramientas y los conceptos básicos durante la realización del Workshop. Esta primera semana fue coordinada por los miembros de la Re.CoDe School de la Universidad de Ferrara, que a su vez forman parte del grupo de coordinación del Master

Director del Master Eco-Polis
Prof. Gianfranco Franz. Università di Ferrara

Responsable Centro de Desarrollo Local
Gonzalo Valdivieso, Director del CEDEL - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Responsable Workshop Eco-Polis
Daniel Sardo, Luca Lanzoni. Master Eco-Polis Universidad de Ferrara

Arturo Orellana (UC)
Christian Henriquez (UC)

Pierfrancesco Celani (UNICAL)
M. Florencia Guidobono (UNIFE)
Eva Merloni (UNIFE)

Estudiantes Master
Maria Cristina Depetris, Estudiante Administración de Empresas (Re.CoDe, Argentina).
Francesco Micciché, Arquitecto Urbanista (Eco-Polis, Italia).
Eduardo Michell Grasso, Estudiante Contador Público (Re.CoDe, Argentina).
Davide Petrollino, Biotecnólogo Agroindustrial (Eco-Polis, Italia).
Silvia Rossi, Arquitecta (Eco-Polis, Italia)
Athenea Sosa di Lena, Arquitecta, Urbanista (Eco-Polis, Venezuela)
Yuki Ukinco (Eco-Polis, Japón), Arquitecto Urbanista (Eco-Polis, Japón)
Hiroki Yamada, Arquitecto Urbanista (Eco-Polis, Japón)
Matteo Pecora, Ingeniero Edil-arquitecto (Eco-Polis, Italia)
Mariano Rinaldi, Contador Público (Re.CoDe, Argentina).
Carolina Sanchez, Lic. en Educación (Re.CoDe, Chile)
Candelaria Simon, Lic. en Administración de Empresas (Re.CoDe, Argentina).
Hector Javier Torres Moros, Ingeniero Catastral (Re.CoDe, Colombia) 

Lecciones, intervenciones, colaboraciones
Ana María Alarcón (Unión Comunal de Artesanos de Villarrica) 
Juan Alarcón (Unión Comunal Urbana de Villarrica)
Carlos Briseño (Villarrica)
Mauricio Canuimillia Tureo (Unión Comunal de Productores)
Francisca De la Maza (CEDEL - UC)
Lola De la Maza (Red Ciudadana Villarrica)
Jorge Fehring (Junta Municipal de Lican Ray)
Katherine Hermosilla (CEDEL - UC)
Rolf Koster (Director Corporación Desarrollo Villarrica)
Elvira Loyola (Ñancul)
Hector Marín Manquecoy
Romá Martin
Munnir Saphier (UDEL - Villarrica)
Gonzalo Valdivieso (CEDEL - UC)

2012 | Eco-Polis 05 | Primer Workshop Ferrara & Venezia, Italia.



Innovative policies for cities regeneration: competition and sustainability

Instituciones asociadas:

Università Iuav di Venezia, Italia.
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, España.
HafenCity Universitaet Hamburg, Alemania.
Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Italia.
Associazione “Basso Profilo”, Ferrara.

Ferrara & Venecia, Italia

“Innovative policies for cities regeneration: competition and sustainability”, questo il titolo dell’ Intensive Programme della Comunità Europea a cui gli studenti del Master Eco-Polis hanno partecipato tra maggio e giugno 2012. Nell’ambito di questa iniziativa, coordinata dallo IUAV di Venezia, dalla Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona e dalla HafenCity Universitaet Hamburg, un gruppo di 40 studenti, di differente nazionalità e formazione, (architetti, geografi, pianificatori, ecc.) si sono confrontati rispetto ad una serie di strategie per la rigenerazione urbana: politiche innovative per la riqualificazione; ri-uso, gestione e trasformazione delle aree industriali dismesse; disegno e qualità degli spazi pubblici. Queste tematiche sono state messe in relazione con due casi di studio reali: l’area del Quartiere Giardino a Ferrara e l’area delle fortificazioni di Forte Marghera a Venezia. Nel primo caso l’attenzione è stata posta rispetto alle modalità di recupero del valore dello spazio urbano come motore per favorire l’integrazione sociale; nel secondo le tematiche affrontate hanno riguardato l’identificazione di strategie per la valorizzazione del patrimonio storico, culturale e ambientale.

Coordinadores Master Eco-Polis
Luca Lanzoni, Eva Merloni. Master Eco-Polis Universidad de Ferrara


Claudia Donadini

Martina Luccehse
Matteo Basso
Hiroki Yamada (Master Eco-Polis)
Joscha Pfeiffer
Francesco Micciche (Master Eco-Polis)
Irina Gimeno
Athenea Sosa di Lena (Master Eco-Polis)

Felix Knopf
Marta Galí
Elia Hernando
Yvonne Werner
Enrico Borsato
Jola Daberdaku
Estefania Avilés (Master Eco-Polis)
Xavier Florensa

Maja Momic
Marta Oristrell
Davide Petrollino (Master Eco-Polis)
Magdalena Pudimat
Silvia Rossi (Master Eco-Polis)
Alessandro Schievano
Benjamin Schimmer
Yuki Uchida (Master Eco-Polis)
Cathrin Weidler

Fabrizio Carucci
Florian Dumsky
Francisco Esteva
Christina Gegner
Adrian Hernandez
Matteo Pecora (Master Eco-Polis)
Elisabeth Purreiter
Janira Vassallo

2011 | Eco-Polis 04 | First Workshop Voghiera, Italia

La costruzione di un Distretto Agro-Culturale a Voghiera
Accordare un’orchestra di solisti

Partner Institutions: City of Voghiera; Master Internazionale Eco-Polis; Università di Ferrara.
Dates: 5/16/2011 – 5/21/2011
Location: Voghiera, Provincia di Ferrara, Regione Emilia Romagna, Italia
Downlowd project report/book (PDF)
Download final presentation (PDF)

Voghiera, a community in the province of Ferrara, known globally for its typical products, was at the center of an interdisciplinary project proposal to deepen the existing relationship between local production, social dynamics, and important existing historical and cultural heritage.
As part of the first phase of work, the outstanding attributes of the region were identified and the social dynamics that have resulted from these attributes were analyzed. To achieve this, the method of analysis applied an integrated and interdisciplinary approach, based on meetings with key local stakeholders, eventually facilitating the assembly of a map of local relationships and products. The final work products consist of a series of pilot projects for the valorization of local high-quality products, as well as the historical cultural heritage present in the region, already recognized by UNESCO as Common Global Heritage of Humanity.

Dante Bandiera - Assessore Comune di Voghiera
Luca Lanzoni - Università di Ferrara
Gloria Minarelli - Istituto Delta
Daniel Sardo - Università di Ferrara

Tutors and organization staff
Francesca Bettedi - Università di Ferrara
Sara Blandolino - Università di Ferrara
Maria Florencia Guidobono - Università di Ferrara
Pierluca Gaglioppa - Università del Molise

Eco-Polis Students
Augusto Pimentel Pereira, Brasil
Chiara Porretta, Italia
Consuelo Marques da Silva, Brasil
Donato Calderoni, Italia
Gabriel Ignacio Roberi, Argentina
Laura Castelli, Italia
Leandro David Ledesma, Argentina
Maria Laura Piantoni, Argentina
Matias Barberis Rami, Argentina
Marina Garcia Leal Scodro, Brasil
Martina Cardellini, Italia
Michele Candiotto, Italia
Paola Barillari, Italia
Rieko Shiraki, Japão
Romina Paola Triboli Pisi, Argentina
Shun Niitsu, Japão
Thaissa Zacharias Junqueira, Brasil
Veronica Moretti, Italia

2011 | Eco-Polis 04 | Second Workshop Sardegna, Italia

La forza dei territori deboli:
Come le politiche culturali legate ai territori possono innescare processi di sviluppo locale 

Partner Institutions: City of Villanova Monteleone, Facoltà di Architettura di Alghero, Master Eco-Polis, Università di Ferrara.
Dates: 5/30/2011 – 6/19/2011
Location: Comune di Villanova Monteleone, Provincia di Sassari, Sardegna, Italia
Downlowd project report/book (PDF)
On this occasion, the Master focused on exploring the possibilities for development of the regions considered “disadvantaged” with respect to other “advantaged” areas, in terms of productive competiveness, quality of human capital, and strategic resources. The analysis focused attention on the relationship between culture and the region, conferring a primary role on the cultural heritage and its unrealized latent potential.
The area of focus for the work, the Northwest region of Sardinia that extends from the Gulf of Asinara to the Temo Valley, is manifest by a reality that is fragmented, but rich with profoundly disparate elements, making it extremely complex. The three chosen areas: Villanova Monteleone, Asinara and Argetiera, constitute three cultural landscapes that are currently experiencing three different crises, in the form of abandonment and disorientation with respect to development prospects. This makes the area interesting as “experimentation” locations on which to base guide lines for innovative cultural policy for Northern Sardinia, applicable to the rest of the regional area.
The methodological approach of the Master and the workshop provided for the participation of experts who lead the training process through lectures, presentations and guided site visits, with the aim of reaching a better understanding of the study area and specific issues related to the subject matter of the workshop.

Research and Content Directors
Arnaldo Cecchini - Docente di Tecniche Urbanistiche, Uniss
Gianfranco Franz - Direttore Master Eco-Polis, Unife

Workshop Directors (methods and process)
Pierfrancesco Celani - Direzione Master Eco-Polis, Unical
Daniel Sardo - Direzione Master Eco-Polis, Unife

Assistants, Activity Coordinators
Mauro Cossu - Facoltà di Architettura, Alghero
Barbara Dovarch - Facoltà di Architettura, Alghero

Florencia Guidobono - Unife
Andrea Tapia - Facoltà di Architettura, Alghero

Lecturers, Presenters, Contirbutors & Colaborators
Giovanni Azzena, Facoltà di Architettura, Alghero
Cristiana Collu, MAN,Nuoro
Lidia Decandia, Facoltà di Architettura, Alghero
Giovanni A. Frassetto, Orchestra Jazz della Sardegna
Giovanni Maciocco, Preside  Facoltà di Architettura, Alghero
Sante Maurizi, Attore, regista e autore
Stefania Mauro, SiTI, Torino
Maria Oslecy Rocha Garcia, Sebrae Pará, Brasile
Sergio Scavio, Docente Uniss
Andrea Tapia, Facoltà di Architettura, Alghero

Municipal Staff of Villanova Monteleone
Pietro Fois, Comune di Villanova Monteleone
Quirico Meloni, Sindaco di Villanova Monteleone

Regional Experts
Pierpaolo Congiatu, Ufficio Tecnico Parco Naz. Asinara
Bastianino Monti, Ex Sindaco di Villanova Monteleone
Sandro Ruju, Docente e studioso di storia contemporanea
Michele Tiloca, Gruppo Speleo-archeologico Villanovese
Antonello Masala, Sindaco di Monteleone Rocca Doria

2011 | Eco-Polis 04 | Third Workshop Maceió, Brasil

Inovação em Projetos de Desenvolvimento Local na Costa dos Corais

Partner Institutions: Università degli studi di Ferrara, Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL), Secretaria de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Econômico (SEPLANDE)
Dates: 30/5/2011 – 30/08/2011
Location: Costa dos Corais, Estado de Alagoas, Brasil
Downlowd project report/book (PDF)
Download final presentation (PDF)

The project titled “Innovations for the local development projects on the Coral Coast” was based on the reworking of the outcomes from the 2010 Workshop – The project for the integrated management of the Coral Coast APL – to develop the projects to a finer level of detail and definition.
The workshop was organized as a participatory planning laboratory with the capacity to stimulate  dialogue and cooperation between the local stakeholders. The process of participating in round table discussions was  the most important event of the  workshop. At the roundtables, which took place over the course of two days of work, key local stakeholders who are active in the region were involved, such as representatives from the government, various associations, NGOs, business, universities and research centers. During the roundtable sessions, priority issues and pre-projects to be developed were defined. The projects were then developed along four strategic guidelines defined in the draft version of the Strategic Agenda for the Coral Coast Tourism APL:
Strategic Guideline #1: Improving urban quality
– Project for improving the quality of public open space
Strategic Guideline #2: Environmental Quality Conservation
– Environmental observatory for the Coral Coast
Strategic Guideline #3: Support for innovation and local technical knowhow 
– The “Coral Coast” ideas laboratory
Strategic Guideline #4: Reinforce the connection between tourism and other economic sectors 
– Economic development and integration project for the communities
The fine level of specificity and detail articulated for the projects that were developed for implementation, along with the many participation activities conducted, has generated a high level of approval on the part of local stakeholders who are nowcommitted to the implementation of future projects.

Institutional Direction
Gianfranco Franz- Università degli Studi di Ferrara

Camilla Sabattini- Università degli Studi di Ferrara

Francesca Bettedi- Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Emanuela De Menna- Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Pierluca Gaglioppa - Lands Network
Massimo Zupi - Università della Calabria
Gloria Velasquez Oliviera - SEPLANDE

Collaboration, Lectures, Contributors and Special Guest
Jair Galvão, Diretor de Produtos, SETUR
Alyne Vieira, SEPLANDE
Antonio Carlos Sampaio Quintiliano, AFAL Diretor Presidente
Fábio Leão, AFAL Diretor de Desenvolvimento e Projetos
Ricardo Cesar de Barros, IMA Diretor Técnico
José Ulisses Santos, ICMBio
José Cícero da Silva, Corpo de Bombeiros da Polícia Militar
Prof. Dr. Rodrigo de Araújo Ramalho Filho, UFAL
Prof. Dr. Lindemberg Medeiros de Araujo, UFAL
Prof. Dr. José Roberto Santos, UFAL
Prof. Dr. Cicero Péricles, UFAL
Prof. Dra. Rochana Campos de Andrade Lima, UFAL
Profa. Dra. Regina Dulce Barbosa Lins, UFAL
Prof. Lívio Lavagetti - Diretor Faculdade Ciências Sociais, CESMAC
Anna Claudia De Farias, Gestora APL Costa dos Corais
Vania Amorim, SEPLANDE

Regional Experts
Nicole Pistelli, IFPR
Giuseppe Lippo, IMA
Samuel Silva, Corpo de Bombeiros da Polícia Militar

2011 | Eco-Polis 04 | Fourth Workshop Araucania Lacustre, Chile


Habitar, convivir y vivir: Armonizando la Governance del Territorio

Participating Institutions: University of Ferrara, Pontificate Catholic University of Chile, Villarrica, and the Local Development, Education and Intercultural Center of Villarrica, Chile
Dates: 9/6/2011 – 10/5/2011
Location: Villarrica, Chile

Downlowd project report/book (PDF)
Download final presentation (PDF)

The project was carried out at the request of the Local Development and Cultural Center (CEDEL) of the Pontificate Catholic University of Chile. The objective was the networking of three Communities located in the area of  Villarrica Lake in the Cuenca region of Araucania. In the first phase of the work, an interpretive, participative and interdisciplinary analysis of the existing dynamics between the communities of Pucón, Villarrica and Curarrehue was developed, focusing attention on the environmental, economic and social issues (i.e. ethnic and others). Subsequent work identified useful categories for grouping the most apparent characteristics and areas of the territory. "Living in the territory", "quality of urban spaces" and "environmental quality", were the selected categories into which various elements, considered essential to the organization of the governance of this territory, were grouped. The final product consisted of suggestions, expressed in terms of policies useful for local governments, and a list of actions or proposals arising out of the pilot projects. The "Local Development and Cultural Center" is implementing a number of these projects with funding from the Chilean government. 
The work represents the first phase of a collaborative project focused on activation of the region over the course of a three year period.

Research and design responsibility
Daniel Sardo - Master Eco-Polis - Universidad de Ferrara
Gonzalo Valdivieso - Director del CEDEL - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Workshop management, coursework methodology
Direzione del Workshop, metodo didattico
Sara Blandolino - Universidad de Ferrara
Eva Merloni - Universidad de Ferrara

Sara Blandolino - Universidad de Ferrara
Pierfrancesco Celani - Universidad de Calabria
Luca Lanzoni - Università di Ferrara
Eva Merloni - Università di Ferrara

Collaboration, Lectures, Contributors and Special Guest
Antonio Hargreaves
Gonzalo Valdivieso, CEDEL, UC
Francisca de la Maza, CEDEL, UC
Katherine Hermosilla, CEDEL, UC
Manuel Gedda, CEDEL, UC
Simon Aldunate, AMTL
Alvaro Bello, UCT - Dep. Antropología
Munnir Saphier, UDEL - Villarrica
Luis Gutierrez, SECPLAN - Pucón
Gustavo Tejo, UDEL - Curarrehue
Fernando Peña Cortés, UCT - Lab. Planificación Territorial
Andrea Files, SEREMI
Alain Granson, Turismo Pucón
UC Students
Sofia Delgado, Colombia
Juliana Carvalho, Brasile

2010 | Eco-Polis 03 | First Workshop Sardegna, Italia

Segnali dall'Entroterra:
Orientare Esperienza per Rivelare il Territorio

Partner Institutions: Università di Sassari, Università di Ferrara
Dates: 24/5/2010 – 15/6/2010
Location:  Villanova Monteleone, Sardegna, Italia

Downlowd project report/book (PDF)
Download final presentation (PDF) 

The objective of the workshop was to study local development issues in Northwest Sardinia, focusing attention on the relationship between the large-scale tourism development concentrated in the coastal areas facing the Mediterranean Sea, and the interior regions of the island. The interior of the Northwest is characterized by a minimum of human settlement and the dominant presence of the Mediterranean Vegetation Zone, in which one can still find many small hidden points of great cultural value, insulated for centuries from the radical and unsustainable transformative dynamics that characterize the coastal zones, which have been subjected to deep environmental, social, economic and cultural impacts. Currently, within the Province of Sassari, the areas of greatest use and impact from tourism are concentrated in the focal points of Alghero, Stintino and Castelsardo. These areas attract significant flows of tourism during the months between May and October, with big peaks during the three months in the middle, reliably offering hospitality and service amenities, even if these are not always well coordinated or innovative in nature. These same areas often experience congestion problems during the summer while loosing much of their charm and interest during the winter months. As well as being near the coast, the interior zones of the Province offer areas of extremely high environmental, historical and cultural value that are currently poorly connected with the coastal tourism activity, but are areas that retain their potential as attractive destinations throughout the entire year.
Starting from a territorial analysis developed by the Master’s working group, with a particular focus on the area in and around Villanova Monteleone as a representative case, the objective of the workshop was to reinforce the relationship between the coastal and interior areas using an integrated vision, based on sustainability, that is born out of a multidisciplinary analysis for building a shared vision that serves as a guide for the development of the entirety of the interior of the region, maintaining a dialogue with the coastal system, and demonstrating the potential for a region that realizes the benefits of being part of a marginalized area. The goals of the workshop were to analyze factors, dynamics and resources outside of the coastal region, that are not dependent upon the summer season, and that can be utilized to address the problem of attracting tourism by defining regional policies and strategic guide lines for the valorization and strategic coordination of the areas untapped potential. 

Institutional Direction
Arnaldo Cecchini - Università di Sassari, Facoltà di Architettura
Gianfranco Franz - Università degli Studi di Ferrara

Coordination and Instruction
Vinicio Bonometto - Facoltà di Architettura di Alghero
Cristian Cannaos - Facoltà di Architettura di Alghero
Pierfrancesco Celani - Università della Calabria
Gregory Delaune - Università di Ferrara
Barbara Dovarch - Facoltà di Architettura di Alghero
Daniel Sardo - Università di Ferrara

Special Guests
Giovanni Azzena, Facoltà di Architettura Alghero, Univ. Sassari
Ivan Blecic, Facoltà di Architettura Alghero, Univ. Sassari
Paola Cannavò, Facoltá di Ingegnaeria, Univ. della Calabria
Alessandra Casu, Facoltà di Architettura Alghero, Univ. Sassari
Piero Cavalcoli, Regione Puglia
Lidia Decandia, Facoltà di Architettura Alghero, Univ. Sassari
Baingio Delogu, Agronomo
Paolo Dettori, Imprenditore
Francesco Indovina, Facoltà Arch. Alghero e Univ. IUAV Venezia
Aldo Lino, Facoltà di Architettura Alghero, Univ. Sassari
Marilena Lucivero, Facoltà di Architettura di Alghero
Giovanni Maciocco, Preside Facoltà di Architettura Alghero
Quirico Meloni, Sindaco di Villanova Monteleone
Sebastiano Monti, Sindaco uscente di Villanova Monteleone
Oriol-Nel o, Generalitat de Catalunya
Giovanni Oliva, Architetto
Chiara Rosnati, naturalista e consulente ambientale
Stefan Tischer, Facoltà di Architettura Alghero, Univ. Sassari
Andrea Vallebona, Rete Gaia
Antonio Zedda, Sindaco di Montresta
Walter Ziegler, Architetto

Eco-Polis Students
Barbosa Rabelo Santos, Flaviana Rosa, Brasil
Bettedi, Francesca, Italia
Burioli, Sofia, Italia
Camargo, Letícia, Brasil
Cavalcante Dias, Sandra, Brasil
Chinelato Soares, Michael, Brasil
Coimbra Lippo Acioli, Giuseppe, Brasil
Correia Ramos Costa, Debora Lucia, Brasil
Cossu, Mauro, Italia
De La Barra Velasquez, Gloria Dolores, Brasil
Guidobono, Maria Florencia, Argentina
Jorge, Débora Rocha F., Brasil
Merloni, Eva, Italia
Mormiro, Lorenzo, Italia
Panigo, Leandro Luis, Argentina
Spinelli, Maria Stella, Italia
Travaglia, Laura, Italia
Valdomiro Da Silva, Samuel, Brasil
Vieira Tomas, Ana Paula, Brasil

2010 | Eco-Polis 03 | Second Workshop Isola di Pasqua, Chile

Mai Ki Keu Keu Tatou Henua e Hoi!
Hacia una Rapa Nui Integrada y Sustentable

Istitutional Partners: Municipality of Easter Island; International Master Eco-Polis; Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile in Santiago de Chile
Dates: 8/16/2010 – 9/9/2010
Location: Rapa Nui (Easter Island), Chile
The project was commissioned directly by the Municipality of Easter Island. The assigned objective was to analyze the responsiveness of the island to the continuously increasing tourism pressure that is undermining sustainable development. The team proposed an instrument to the local administration for assessing the environmental, social, economic and urban matrix. Thanks to the collaboration of the population and the use of GIS, this instrument was able to generate an evaluation of emotional responses related to the settings of everyday life. This allowed the team to map the territory according to the subjectivity of respondents, taking positive and negative aspects into account. The system was very successful and proved effective for rapid comprehension and interpretation of urban and exurban spaces. From the results of this evaluation, a series of considerations and suggestions were generated for the establishment of integrated policies and pilot projects that, in the period following the completion of the workshop, have been carried out by the local government.

Institutional Direction
Gianfranco Franz - Università di Ferrara

Luca Lanzoni - Università di Ferrara
Daniel Sardo - Università di Ferrara

Organization and Instruction
Sara Blandolino - Università di Ferrara
Pierfrancesco Celani - Università della Calabria
Gregory Delaune - Università di Ferrara
Barbara Dovarch - Università di Sassari

Collaboration, Lectures, Contributors and Special Guest
Ottavia Biondi, Universidad de Ferrara
Sandro Boarini, Gruppo Hera
Fernando Burrows, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Corine Corbau, Universidad de Ferrara
Ana Maria Gutiérrez, Consultor de la Municipalidad de Isla de Pascua
Marco Dini, Universidad de Ferrara
Rodolfo Pérez, Consultor de la Municipalidad de Isla de Pascua
Roxana Pérez, Universidad de Ferrara
Umberto Simeoni, Universidad de Ferrara
Luz del Carmen Zasso Paoa, Alcaldesa de Isla de Pascua
Francisca de la Maza, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

 2010 | Eco-Polis 03 | Third Workshop Maceió, Brasil

Um Território Desejável; Compromisso Integrado para a Costa dos Corais

Partner Institutions: State of Alagoas, Brazil; SEPLAN, Alagoas; International Master Eco-Polis; UFAL; FAPEAL
Dates: 9/16/2010 – 10/15/2010
Location: Maragogi and Maceio, Alagoas, Brazil
Eco-Polis Maceio Web Log 

IThrough the Department of Planning and Accounting (SEPLAN), and in collaboration with the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL), the Research Foundation for the State of Alagoas (FAPEAL), the Eco-Polis Master, the University of Ferrara (Italy), and the Ferrara Research Consortium, the State Government of Alagoas organized a workshop titled, “A Desirable Territory; An Integrated Compromise for the Coral Coast”, for which project and policy discussions concentrated on the integrated management of local production realities of the Coral Coast, in the State of Alagoas, Brazil.
The workshop was organized into various thematic elements, including:
-    The region for the environment
-    Organization of the urban structure
-    The tourism system
-    The economy as a function of products and services
-    The network of partnerships, institutional forms of participation, and the involvement of the local citizens and stakeholders.
From an operational standpoint, the workshop also had a second objective: to define a strategic agenda for the integrated management of the Coral Coast. 

Institutional Direction
Júlio Sérgio de Maya Pedrosa Moreira - SEPLAN_Alagoas
Gianfranco Franz - Università di Ferrara
Antonio Carlos Sampaio Quintiliano - SEPLAN_Alagoas
Gregory Delaune - Università di Ferrara
Emanuela De Menna - Università di Ferrara
Massimo Zuppi - Università della Calabria

Instructors and Organization
Corinne Corbau - Università di Ferrara
Barbara Dovarch - Università di Alghero
Pierluca Gaglioppa -  Lands Network
Camilla Sabattini - Università di Ferrara
Daniel Sardo - Universidad de Ferrara
Umberto Simeoni - Università di Ferrara
Alyne Vieira - SEPLAN_Alagoas

Collaboration, Lectures, Contributors and Special Guests
Polianna Kristine Alves Bugarin, SEPLA, Alagoas
Rochana Campos, UFAL
Juan Manuel Priegues Castro, SEPLAN, Alagoas
Arnaldo Cecchini, Università di Sassari
Monica Dorigo, UFAL
Hebert Freire, Secretaria de Turismo de Maragogi
Fábio Leão, AFAL
João Lessa, SEMARH-AL
Lindemberg Madeiros de Araujo, UFAL
Anna Cláudia Marques, APL Costa dos Corais
Michele Mistri, Università di Ferrara
Maria de Fatima Santos Pires, SEPLAN, Alagoas
Nicole Pistelli, IFPR
Lucilla Previati, Parco del Delta del Po
Marcos Rocha, OCB-AL
Rachel Rocha, UFAL
Liliani Tiepolo, UFPR
Márcia Túlia, Projetur

2009 | Eco-Polis 02 | First Workshop Cosenza, Italia

Gestione integrata delle coste, vallorizzazione del patrimonio, sviluppo locale

Partner Institutions: University of Calabria, The University of Ferrara in Ferrara, Italy
Dates: 6/1/2009 – 6/23/2009
Location: Rossano and Cosenza, Calabria, Italy
Download final project report (PDF) 

Rossano is an ideal laboratory to test innovative approaches and best practices, a case of transnational interest that attracts the attention of Sciences of the territory. The urban area of Sybaris is affected by experiences of innovative planning (strategic plans, the structural plan associated). Within a territory rich and complex there are the main topics of local development: the promotion of cultural heritage and environmental adaptation of large infrastructures, integrated coastal management, urban renewal, the rationalization of economic activity.

This experience can be summarized by the idea of ​​re-invention of the development as a process / tool to reorganize and re-articulation of a territory fragmented and, until now, betrayed by the expectation of development and the consequent marginalization.

Institutional Direction
Paola Cannavò - Università della Calabria
Gianfranco Franz -
Università degli studi di Ferrara
Fabrizia Ippolito - Università della Calabria
Gian Andrea Pagnoni -
Università degli studi di Ferrara
Roxana Perèz - Master EcoPolis
Franco Rossi - Università della Calabria 

Coordination and Instruction
Gregory Delaune -
Università degli studi di Ferrara
Emanuela De Menna - Università degli studi di Ferrara
Francesca Frassoldati - SCUT - Cina
Luca Lanzoni -
Università degli studi di Ferrara
Daniel Sardo - Università degli studi di Ferrara
Massimo Zupi - Università della Calabria
Technical Support
Nicola Camatti, Ivana Carbone, Myriam Ferrari, Fedele Marino, Vincenza

Michele Bruno, Maria Colucci, Vincenzo A. Cosimo, Annunziata Palermo
struttura organizzativa Comune di Rossano
Giuseppe Graziani - Dirigente Urbanistica
Giuseppe Passavanti - Dirigente Marketing territoriale
Leonardo Trento - Assessore all’Urbanistica
Giovanni Zagarese - Assessore all’Area Urbana

Special Guests
Remigio Rossi - Università degli studi di Ferrara
Presidente Consorzio Ferrara Ricerche
Sun Yimin - Preside di Architettura
South China University of Technology
Paolo Veltri - Preside di Ingegneria Università della Calabria
Franco Filareto - Sindaco di Rossano

Eco-Polis Students
Benedetto Botturi, Italia
Camilla Sabattini, Italia
Elisa Leggieri, Italia
Emilia Manfredi, Italia
Daniela Poggiali, Italia
Eros Toppano, Italia
Fernanda de Oliveira Secco, Brasil
Francesca Indolfi
, Italia
Francesca Palli, Italia
Jeanmy Ballestas Rueda, Colombia
Joao Paulo Schwerz, Brasil
Luca Barraco, Italia
Marcello Folegatti, Italia
Maria Vittoria Mastella, Italia
Mariana Rietti, United States
Nicola Simboli
, Italia
Nora Guanes, Paraguay
Ornella Sottile
, Italia
Paola Miranda Morales, Colombia
Priscilla Bitencourt Freitas
, Brasil
Roberto Tinella, Italia
Sara Blandolino, Italia
Tatiana Fonti, Argentina
Valentino Aleotti
, Italia
Valeria Groppo, Argentina

2009 | Eco-Polis 02 | Secondo Workshop Córdoba, Argentina

Pequeños pueblos construyen una gran tierra; Tejer un patrimonio común con los hilos de la tradición en el norte de Córdoba

Partner Institutions: The Chatolic University of Córdoba, The University of Ferrara
Dates: 16/8/2009 – 11/9/2009
Location: Córdoba and North of Córdoba, Argentina

The project, Pequeños pueblos construyen una gran tierra; Tejer un patrimonio común con los hilos de la tradición en el norte de Córdoba (A Great Land Made of Small Villages; Weaving a Common Heritage from the Threads of Tradition in the North of Córdoba), was part of a three week workshop completed in cooperation with the Catholic University of Cordoba (CCU) Department of Architecture, as well as other researchers and professionals who are experts on the economy and culture of the study area. The presentation was attended by citizens and policy makers from the study area, as well as related researchers and professionals active in the area. The analysis phase of the work examined the opportunities and constraints of the existing economic, social, environmental and governance factors. During the analysis, existing local best practices were identified and highlighted as innovative models to be incorporated on a regional scale. The project team used this synthesis to develop a new vision for the region, from which a strategic plan of objectives and then specific actions were developed for realizing economic potential, improving the competiveness of local activities, conservation, restoration and management of natural-landscape cultural heritage resources, and the rediscovery of the traditional knowledge base through strategic policies focused on education and training.
The study found a disconnect between the many existing activities, as well as a lack of awareness of the popular knowledge that is at risk of being lost with subsequent generations. For this reason, the project aimed at the recognition, networking and acknowledgement of the tangible and intangible resources for integrated local development of the region.

Institutional Direction
Santiago Ian Dutari – Decano de la Facultad de Arquitectura - Universidad Católica de Córdoba
Gianfranco Franz – Università degli Studi di Ferrara

Coordination and Instruction
Melina Malandrino - Universidad Católica de Córdoba
Joaqín Peralta - Universidad Católica de Córdoba
Liliana Arguello - Universidad Católica de Córdoba
Lucia Mariana Augustinoy - Universidad Católica de Córdoba
José Antonio Barbano - Universidad Católica de Córdoba
Emanuela De Menna - Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Gregory Delaune - Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Daniel Sardo - Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Luca Lanzoni - Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Pierfrancesco Celani - Università della Calabria

Special Guests
Claudio Faner - Universidad Católica de Córdoba
Noemí Goytia - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Pablo Londero
Carolina Peralta - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Maria Teresa Sassi - Universidad Católica de Córdoba
Daniel Scandizzo - Universidad Católica de Córdoba
Edgardo Venturini - Universidad Católica de Córdoba

2009 | Eco-Polis 02 | Third Workshop Recife, Brasil

SUAPE Global / SUAPE Local: O Caminho Sinuoso do Desenvolvimento Integrado

Partner Institutions: SEBRAE Pernambuco, The University of Calabria, The University of Ferrara, Italy
Dates: 9/15/2009 – 10/13/2009
Location: Recife and the Pernambuco coast, Brazil

The project, titled SUAPE Global / SUAPE Local; O Caminho Sinuoso do Desenvolvimento Integrado (A Winding Path Towards Integrated Development), was the third and final workshop of the second (2009) edition of the International Master EcoPolis. On October 13th, 2009, the final findings and recommendation were presented as part of a community and institutional seminar. The work was well received by our local institutional clients/partners, with numerous opportunities/offers for follow up research and consulting work. The final presentation was the culmination of four weeks of site research and report preparation (from September 15th thru October 13th), working with local and federal institutions to develop projects and policy proposals for long-range sustainable planning efforts related to the SUAPE International Port development project on the Pernambuco coast. The port area represents one of the largest current investments for the Brazilian federal government, and the federally owned PETROBRAS oil company.
Following a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis, a series of Negative Scenarios were developed to highlight how existing weaknesses, if left unaddressed, could develop into major regional threats. Similarly, through the identification of local strengths and “best practices”, a series of potential opportunities were identified. This exercise led to the formulation of key arguments and approaches for the development of new sustainable regional planning strategies.

Institutional Direction
Renato Caporali – Diretor da Federação das Indústrias em Pernambuco
Gianfranco Franz – Università degli Studi di Ferrara

Coordination and Instruction
Massimo Zupi - Università della Calabria
Emanuela De Menna - Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Gregory Delaune - Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Daniel Sardo - Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Marco Dini - Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Roxana Perez - Università degli Studi di Ferrara

Technical Support
Erika Silva Felix, IEL

Special Guests
Francisco Albuquerque – FOMIN – Unversidad de Seivilla

2008 | Eco-Polis 01 | First Workshop Civita, Italia

Progetto dell'Ecomuseo della valle del Raganello

Partner Institutions:  Università della Calabria, Ecomuseo del Paesaggio Valle del Raganello, Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Dates: 6/1/2008 – 6/21/2008
Location: Civita, Rossana and Cosenza in Calabria, Italy

The Project for the Raganello Valley Ecomuseum was a three week on-site intensive workshop in Calabria, Italy. The First week of the workshop was spent doing fieldwork in and around the Raganello Valley, understanding the history and cultural heritage context.  At the end of the first week, the students and instructors participated in a conference titled Knowing the Environment in the nearby town of Rossano. The conference included presentations by designer, researchers, public officials and professors addressing local and national scale environmental issues. The final two weeks of the project were spent in residence at the Univerisity of Calabria (UniCal), one of Eco-Polis’ primary organizational institutions. The workshop culminated with a presentation of the findings and project proposals to the citizens and community leaders of the Raganello Valley, on-location in Civita (the current home of the Ecomuseum for the Raganello Valley).  Following the presentation, as a direct result of the Eco-Polis workshop activities, leaders of the municipalities of the Raganello Valley area agreed to collaborate on a project proposal applying for national funding to support restoration activities in the historical centers of the local communities.  Eco-Polis students and tutors extended their stay in the area to play a key role in the preparation and submittal of the project proposal materials.

Institutional Direction
Stafania Emmanuele – Ecomuseo del Paesaggio Valle del Raganello
Franco Rossi – Università della Calabria
Gianfranco Franz - Università degli Studi di Ferrara

Coordination and Instruction
Paola Cannavò – Università della Calabria
Massimo Zupi – Università della Calabria
Erminia d’Alessandro – Università della Calabria
Gregory Delaune – Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Emanuela De Menna - Università degli Studi di Ferrara

Technical Support
Ivana Carbone – Università della Calabria
Vincenza Santangelo – Università della Calabria

Special Guests
Gloria Minarelli – Istituto Delta, Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Fabrizia Ippolito –  Università della Calabria
Robeta Fusari – Landscape Agency, Università degli Studi di Ferrara

Eco-Polis Students
Aicha Dotti, Brasil
Alice Morotti, Italia
Barbara Manca, Italia
Cristian Palma, Chile
Cristobal CardenasChile
Daniel Sardo, Argentina
Elisa Grandi, Italia
Evangelina Perez, Argentina
Fernanda Chiebao, Italia-Brasil
Honorine Mujyambere, Ruanda
Ketleen Zani, Brasil
Lisa Iannascoli, Italia
Mauricio Falk, Chile
Nicole Pistelli, Brasil
Pierfrancesco Celani, Italia
Rafael Bodanese, Brasil

 2008 | Eco-Polis 01 | Second Workshop Guaraquesaba, Brasil

Alternativas de desenvolvimento sustentável no litoral do Paraná

Partner Institutions: The Catholic Pontificate University of Paranà in Curitiba, Brazil, The University of Ferrara in Ferrara, Italy
Dates: 8/18/2008 – 9/17/2008
Location: Curitiba and Guaraqueçaba in Paranà, Brazil

Project/Book Guaraqueçaba EcoPolis 2008 (PDF)

The project for the Guaraqueçaba region is aptly named, “Quando o remanso do guará emerge, a mata envolve, produz e faz crescer”.  The title of the project is a play on words in the local Portuguese dialect eluding to how the region of Guaraqueçaba will grow, produce and achieve a greater sense of economic and cultural independence with the self-realization of the tremendous inherent potential in its unique local natural and cultural resources. The work focused on developing a concrete selection of pilot projects that could act as a proactive first step to achieving the objectives identified in the final plan document. The existing conditions and analysis phases of the work were heavily influenced and benefitted from the project work completed the previous year in the same region as part of the MAPAUS Master program, titled Alternativas de Desenvolivmento Sustentável Nas Vilas de Guaraqueçaba. In the first phase of the four week work shop period, the students participated in lectures and conferences addressing Guaraqueçaba and the greater context of the State of  Paranà, which includes the biologically significant natural preserves of the Upper Paraná Atlantic Forest.  To better understand the project context, the students and their tutors spent four days traveling through the region, visiting local communities, studying the local flora and fauna, and speaking with local officials about the opportunities and constraints the region faces. The impact of this hands-on field work comes forth in the final project as a focused attempt to propose realistic projects that stimulate local economic development, and are socially and environmentally sustainable, while still preserving the local natural and cultural heritage resources. The final presentation of the project work took place at the Catholic Pontificate University of Paranà, in Curitiba, and was attended by various officials and stakeholders who might be in a position to implement the pilot projects proposed as part of the study.  Officials and stakeholders who had assisted the students during the workshop, but were unable not attend the final presentation, were contacted to make them aware of the on-line availability of the final project document.

Institutional Direction
Carlos Hardt – Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paranà
Claudio Maiolino – Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paranà
Gianfranco Franz - Università degli Studi di Ferrara

Coordination and Instruction
Gregory Delaune – Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Massimo Zupi – Università della Calabria
Emanuela De Menna - Università degli Studi di Ferrara

Technical Support
Lidia Kadlubitski –  Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paranà
Anelise Seleme Zandoná Hofman – Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paranà
Terezinha Prigol Lopes – Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paranà

Special Guest 
Patrizio Bianchi – Rettore, Università degli Studi di Ferrara

2008 | Eco-Polis 01 | Third Workshop Valaraíso, Chile 
Valparaiso no sólo un patrimonio

Partner Institutions: Federico Santa Maria Technical University of Valparaiso, Chile; The University of Ferrara in Ferrara, Italy
Dates: 10/29/08 – 11/17/08
Location: Valparaiso, Chile

The project work in Valparaiso was a true joint effort, conducted in partnership between the undergraduate architecture students in the Department of Architecture at the Federico Santa Maria Technical University of Valparaiso and the EcoPolis Masters students. The architecture students involved, members of the design studio taught by Professor Roberto Barría Kirkwood, were in the process of working on a project to use the city’s famous funiculars (inclined railway elevators) as design opportunities for the city’s activities related to Chile’s 2010 Bicentennial Celebration. For the Eco-Polis students, working with the undergraduate architecture students produced two particular benefits.  First, as residents of the area who had studied the region from an environmental design point of view, the architecture students were able to give the EcoPolis students a concentrated overview of the urban environment and sociopolitical realities of the City.  Secondly, the project gave the EcoPolis students an opportunity to crystallize the lessons they had learned during the previous phases of the program by acting as consultants to the undergraduate architecture students, explaining and advocating the multidisciplinary policy and planning approach that, for the masters students, had become second nature. The actual project work took place during one intense week of collaboration in the midst the ongoing semester coursework of the undergraduate architecture students. The intent was that the integrated planning approach, as well as the resulting policy proposals identified as part of the joint workshop, would strengthen the undergraduates’ final projects (to be completed at the end of the semester) by providing a policy and planning context in which their individual architectural projects would become the physical manifestations of a larger revitalization strategy.
During the final week of their tenure in Valparaiso, the EcoPolis Masters students participated in a mini-workshop with Luis Alvarez, a geographer and professor at the Catholic University of Valparaiso.  Professor Alvarez presented a series of lectures about the history and development of Chile and the Valparaiso area.  As part of the mini-workshop, Prof. Alvarez directed a guided bus excursion beginning at the shores of the Pacific Ocean and extending through the country’s central valleys, all the way to Chile’s frontier with Argentina, at the heights of the Andes Mountains (and back again).

Institutional Direction
Roberto Barría Kirkwood – Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria di Valparaiso
Gianfranco Franz - Università degli Studi di Ferrara

Coordination and Instruction
Luis Alvarez – Universidad Católica Valparaiso
Pablo Silvo - Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria di Valparaiso
Gregory Delaune – Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Emanuela De Menna - Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Luca Lanzoni - Università degli Studi di Ferrara

Technical Support
Macarena Barrientos – Università della Calabria

Special Guests
Lisandro Silva – Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria di Valparaiso
Remigio Rossi - Vice Rettore, Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Rodrigo Tisi, Ph.D. – Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria di Valparaiso