
The program is open to Italian citizens as well as others who have a valid Italian entry visa and who have completed one of the following degree programs (in Italy):

  • laurea specialistica (D.M. 509/99)
  • laurea magistrale (D.M. 270/04) 
  • laurea “ante riforma

Candidates with degrees from outside of Italy may participate with a degree certified by an Italian academic authority to be equivalent to one of those degrees listed above. These may include bachelor or graduate degrees in Architecture, Economics, Geography, Law, Civil Engineering, Regional Planning, Biology, Geology, Political Science, Sociology with prescribed requirements.

For complete information about the selection and registration process, please consult the following link:

Students should complete the registration process by the date indicated on the announcement using only the on line procedure, accessible by going to the web page:, carefully following the instructions indicated on the page:

Editions 2012/2013

The course will begin on March 5th, 2012 at the Polo degli Adelardi via Adelardi, 33, Ferrara.

Coursework Calendar

02/04/2013 - 31/05/2013:
Ferrara. Forntale teaching, seminars, lectures and exercise.

03/06/2013 - 28/06/2013:
Italy. To define. 1st workshop.

02/09/2013 - 27/09/2013:
Latin America. To define. 2nd workshop and lectures.

02/10/2013 - 31/10/2013:
Latin America. To define. 3rd workshop and lectures.

11/11/2013 - 22/03/2014:
Internship or Final Stage, Location chosen by the student in accordance with the management.

(dates indicative, not conclusive)

Coursework materials

The coursework materials for the Eco-Polis International Master will be sent to all registered students, fifteen days before the commencement of classes in Ferrara.

Expenses and enrollment

The enrollment fees are 3,000 Euros. The enrollment fees include the cost of the provision of course work materials. Enrollment includes student health insurance as well as access to libraries, classroom facilities and other associated university services.

Other expenses

Students need to provide for the following expenses:
  • round-trip flight Latin America/Europe, or Europe/Latin America 
  • lodging in Italy and Latin America;
  • living and other transportation expenses
Generally speaking, lodging costs for the period in Italy are under 1,000 Euros. Although no other financial aid is provided for the program participants, there are opportunities for scholarships awarded by other institutions. The directorate will make every effort to have the cost for room and board in Latin America covered by our local Latin American partners. This aspect of the costs will vary from year to year.


Those interested in participating in the Eco-Polis Master could proceed as follows:

- 1 -
Register by following the steps on this page, without making the fee payment

- 2 -
Starting from March 8, you can send an e-mail to, or call the phone number: +39 0532-455266, from 12.30 to 13.30 in order to verify if
the minimum number of participants has been reached .

- 3 -
If the minimum number has been reached, you can proceed with the fee payment

 Additional Information
Master Eco-Polis
University of Ferrara
Via Adelardi, 33
ufficio U4, 3° piano
44121 Ferrara

Telefono: (+39) 0532 455087
For any clarifications about the program or the course work content and organization, please contact the Directors and Coordinators of the Master:

  • Gianfranco Franz, Director, email
Coordinamento didattico:
  • Daniel Sardo, Coursework Coordinator, email
  • Camilla Sabattini, Coursework Coordinator, email