

The professional and scientific placement of our students is one of the strengths of the course, thanks to internship opportunities that are offered to all the students. In fact, in the realization of the course are directly involved many non-academic actors that make very pragmatic the course and the final phase of training.

The assets of institutions, firms, professionals, NGOs, academic Spin Offs, Third Sector Organizations (NPOs) that collaborate with the master, is another pragmatic indicator of quality and continuity of the course, providing a wide choice to students, both in Italy and abroad.

ACER di Ferrara
Andria srl (Correggio)
Associazione Ademadan (Antonina, Paranà, Brasil)
CEDEL, Centro de Desarrollo Local, Educación e Interculturalidad , Universidad Católica (Villarrica, Cile)
Centro Marina Waisman (Cordoba, Argentina)
Comune di Ferrara
Consorzio Ferrara Ricerche
Consorzio del Parco del Secchia (Rubiera)
CoopeAgro (Maragogì, Alagoas, Brasile)
ENEA (Brindisi)
Freedman Tung & Sasaki Urban Design and City Planning
Hera Ferrara
IILA, Istituto Italo-Latino Americano
IPPUC, Instituto de Pesquisa e Planejamento (Curitiba, Brasile)
Istituto Delta Srl, Ferrara
Lands Network Srl
Milano Metropoli (Milano)
Nexus (Bologna)
Organizzazione Internazionale del Lavoro (Torino)
Pontificia Universidad Càtolica de Chile (Villarrica, Cile)
Provincia di Bologna
Punto3 Srl, Ferrara
Regione Emilia-Romagna
Studio Albatrozs (Curitiba, Brasile)
Studio Gap (Genova)
Tecno Studio (Palermo)
Torino Internazionale (Torino)
Università della Calabria
Università di Ferrara
Università di Trento
Uteco Srl (Ferrara)

Since the 2013 Edition, students of the course could carry out their internship also at:

Kuva (Ferrara)
Tryeco2.0 (Ferrara)
G-mpas (Ferrara)
Spazio Grisù (Ferrara)
Centro Studi Dante Bighi (Copparo – Ferrara)
HS Hydrosynergy Srl (Bologna)
Impossible Living (Milano)
Well b Lab

Ademadam (Brasil)